Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where are the concerts ?
A: The main series is in the Rotunda of La Cité Francophone, 8627 91st Street, Edmonton, AB.

Q: Is there a cost?
A: The main series at the Cité Francophone is free.

Q: How formal is it?
A: The main series is quite informal, bring your lunch, stay as long as you wish.

Q: Are kids welcome?
A: Absoloutely! This is their chance to walk around during a classical concert! They are welcome to sit within a few feet of musicians if they wish.

Q: Is the venue accessible by wheelchair?
A: Yes, the Cité has ramps and elevators.

Q: How do I become a member?
A: Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit us during a concert

Q: Is there a cost to joining?
A: No.

Q: Are there other concerts other than the "main series"?
A: Yes, there are concerts in seniors homes however these are not open to the public. Threre are also fundraising concerts in partnership with community organizations which are open to the public and charge admission or accept donations. See calendar for details.